Social impact
I believe we are defined by more by our actions than our words. In addition to my work with entrepreneurs and business leaders, I like to find other ways to make a positive impact.
One of my ambitions when I left the corporate world, was to re-balance my life equally into three parts: work, volunteering/social impact and play.
Over the years, I have worked in prisons, probation, drug treatment centres and with many youth organisations bringing the power of coaching and personal development to people who are yet to become business leaders or entrepreneurs.
By offering a transformative experience either early in life or at a point of crisis, I hope to make a difference to people from all walks of life.
The social impact I deliver takes many forms:
Supporting non profit and educational organisations as a Non-Exec Director.
I am Chair of Hopwood Hall College and University Centre, General Assembly Member for the University of Manchester (following nine years on the Board); Board member of The Apprentice Academy and Vice Chair of Victorious Academies Trust.
Supporting social sector leaders through delivering workshops and webinars
Delivering coaching/mentoring or training to emerging social impact leaders
Delivering subsidised coaching and Action Learning Sets for CEOs of non profit organisations thanks to the work I do with corporates
Other social impact work that gives me a buzz and where I can make a difference
There's a summary of my social impact for 2024 in my blog and here are the highlight stats:
If you'd like to make a recommendation of an organisation or non-profit CEO who might benefit from this, do feel free to let me know.
I've also worked with clients who've wanted to nominate the organisation/individual that will benefit from their commission. If this is you, let me know and we can see what can be done!